Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Abandoned Farmhouse, Thompson Road,
Irwin County, Georgia, 2002.
c. Brian Brown
The purpose of this site will be to share my photographs & historical antecdotes about South Georgia. (All images by me, and other contributors, are copyright protected. Contact me for permissions or other information. I don't mind my images being reposted, but if you do so, please link them to my site. Images from outside sources are protected by their own specific copyrights, which will be noted) This region encompasses half the state, and though it has been relatively immune to urban sprawl, changes are beginning to occur. Many of the structures I have photographed in recent years have already disappeared, most of them victim to the elements of time; therefore, it is my desire that this space serve as a documentary archive. The WPA and Farm Security Administration photographers of the Great Depression (Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Jack Delano, John Vachon, Karl Mydans, and Arthur Rothstein, to name but a few) serve as my creative muses for this project, and, on occasion, I'll highlight some of their work from South Georgia. I will also occasionally incorporate other images as they relate to South Georgia. I hope you enjoy my view of this highly endangered and rapidly disappearing environment--Brian Brown


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